What Does An Air Filter Do in an Aquarium and How To Install One


Many people feel a little lost with all the accessories that come with an aquarium, especially if it’s their first time with one. Among the questions that plague you, you probably wonder what an air pump is for and how to arrange it. That’s why we’ve taken the time to present you with an article summarizing the necessary information about this device.


Roles of the air pump

As its name suggests, it is a pump that is introduced into the aquarium and serves to generate air bubbles. These bubbles burst at the surface of the water simplifying gas exchanges. The main function of such a machine is to ensure aeration in the tank.

Like terrestrial animals, aquatic fauna and flora also need oxygen to live. The machine propels air so that they can breathe easily. When fish come up for air it means the oxygen level in the tank is insufficient. Install an air pump immediately to solve this problem.

Apart from this main function, the aerator also creates an even movement of water in the aquarium. This is especially important for tanks that lack a filtration system. The diffusion of air generated by the aerator also stabilizes the temperature in the entire tank. All these conditions guarantee the well-being of the fish in the water. If you are convinced of the usefulness of the air pump, we will now explain how to install it correctly.


Tips to consider when installing it

Its positioning should not be chosen lightly, as it is a strategic decision for its proper functioning. Normally, the pump should be placed above the water level to prevent accidents in case of failure or power failure.

There are exceptions to this. Some homeowners are more concerned with aesthetics. In this sense, they prefer to plant it under the surface of the water. In this case, it is strongly recommended to equip it with a non-return valve. This equipment is used to prevent possible risks of siphoning of the liquid. It easily finds a corner between the device and the tube connected to the diffuser.

As far as the latter is concerned, you can install it in water without any problem. It should be noted that the length of the diffuser and the length of the tube influence the air flow. For those who have a hot water aquarium, they can place it near the immersion heater. This location is intended to disperse the heat evenly throughout the tank.


Some precautions to remember

It is important to remember that the air pump generates vibrations during its operation. The level of vibration depends on the quality of the equipment. However, it is important to know that this characteristic makes this type of equipment special. In this case, install this element on a non-smooth support to limit falls.

To ensure stability, some aquarium owners prefer to attach it with a screw to a vertical support. Others opt for systems with non-slip bottoms or plastic feet that reduce vibration. Whatever the case, the main thing is to find an idea that prevents the device from slipping while running.

As for the hose, some low-end models have the disadvantage of being damaged before their time. They do not stand up to humidity over time. To avoid this type of accessory, we advise you to choose silicone models. They are able to tolerate wear and tear and water.

When installing your bubbler, it is best not to use solvents or insecticide sprays in the same room. If you want to use them so badly, it’s best to unplug the unit. They can endanger the fish.

The right time to use the bubbler

The use of this equipment is not always necessary. A well-maintained aquarium does not need an air pump all the time. Remember that the plants are able to provide oxygen to the tank. In addition, the device will at some point intensify the pH, which is not beneficial for the animals in a freshwater aquarium.

On the other hand, many parameters require the use of the bubbler. It is of great use during the hot seasons. Not only humans suffer from the heat, but also aquatic beings. To cool down, they need a high oxygen content. The same applies to an aquarium with excessive pollution. The amount of air in the tank becomes smaller and smaller.

The fish may multiply rapidly. However, the tank contains only artificial plants. In this case, the bubbler should be installed as soon as possible to ensure aeration in the aquarium. If you notice that the animal shows unusual symptoms, there is no harm in increasing the oxygen level. It’s even possible that it could get sick. So, to give it a boost, optimize the aeration in the mini tank.


Choosing the right model

In order to find the right model, you should first determine the type of bubbler that suits you best. On the market, we most often find piston pumps and diaphragm pumps.

The former is suitable for large ponds that require a high flow rate. It makes noise most of the time. The second one is quite the opposite. It is distinguished by its silent side. As this category diffuses air with the help of rubber membranes, they can be easily replaced. It is therefore easier to use and maintain.

Finally, don’t forget to check the robustness of the aerator. If it doesn’t stand up to wear and tear, it could be a bad investment for you. 


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