How to Plant in an Aquarium That is Already in use


Do you have an aquarium, but don’t know how to plant it? This article will help you understand the steps to follow and explain the important information on the subject. But before going into details, it is necessary to specify the roles of plants in the pond.


Good reasons to plant in an aquarium

Some people choose plastic plants because of their aesthetic appeal. However, there is nothing better than opting for natural elements. They offer multiple advantages, especially for residents.

With their different colors, they reproduce the atmosphere in the water to get the fish used to the pond. Thanks to their thickness, they allow the fish to have privacy. This helps the animals to behave naturally and limit their stress. Some fish also need plants during their reproduction. They play the role of a support to lay eggs.

In addition, plants ensure the purification of the environment. The carbon dioxide rejected by your animals will be consumed to guarantee the hygiene of the habitat. Not only that, they also absorb phosphates, ammonia and nitrates. Without these substances, algae cannot grow.

On the other hand, the plants provide oxygen which is essential for the survival of fish. They therefore reduce pollution to ensure the well-being of the occupants in the tank. From an aesthetic point of view, they give a natural effect to the aquarium. They sublimate it offering a special pleasure for the eyes of your guests. But, to succeed in transplanting, it is advisable to respect some basic rules.


Steps to follow for successful planting

To begin, it seems important to prepare the plants well. If they are delivered in a bunch, you must first separate them. Then remove the rock wool encircling the roots. Don’t forget to cut off the damaged parts. You only need a few quality samples to ensure regrowth.

Install a nutrient soil and arrange it properly to create a natural effect to the planter. You can do this by putting a lot of grain at the bottom and a little less at the front. This leaves an air of depth. Place them 3 to 5 cm high allowing the plants to take root.

The arrangement of these is not done randomly. It is recommended to arrange the largest specimens in the background. You can also place the fast growing categories such as elodea, ceratopteris thalictroides and vallisneria.

For those that are small in size, spread them out in the foreground. The same goes for the slow-growing ones, namely echinodorus, cryptocoryne and anubia. Dig the soil by making a hole with your finger and then push the plant in. Once this is done, all you have to do is put the sand back in.


What plants need to grow

Like all types of plants, aquarium plants need light to grow and survive. The intensity of the light depends on the species. If some require strong lighting, others do not. For those that use neon tubes, it is advisable to turn to a device of 0.251 W or between 10 and 60 lumens. It is recommended to illuminate the tank between 10 and 12 hours per day. This is necessary in the morning and evening, but not at noon. You can switch off for 2 to 4 hours.

As for the water temperature, it should not exceed 25°C, otherwise it will affect the growth of the plants. Also provide mineral salts and nutrients necessary for the roots and leaves. As such, they require a significant amount of phosphorus, iron, manganese, nitrogen and especially CO2. The latter has the natural ability to stabilize the pH and optimize plant growth.

Apart from that, aquatic plants need a rich substrate. It must have the necessary nutrients for their development. Specialists recommend the addition of a heating cable to accelerate rooting.

Planting according to the type of plants

Each element has its own particularity, therefore requires a specific treatment. Here we will talk about the categories in pots.

To begin with, they must be removed with care so as not to damage the radicle. Then rinse with clear water and get rid of the yellowed leaves. Make a hole and bury the root in the substrate.

Some plants should not be buried, such as Java moss, cladophora ægagropila or anubias. For the latter, they are simply attached with a fishing line on a stone.

When it comes to seeds, it is still essential to germinate them in glass jars. Then you leave the container under a suitable light and at the right temperature.

There is an infinite number of plants that survive in an aquarium. While some of them settle in the foreground, others find their place in the background. Whatever the case, it is important to maintain them in the right way to avoid damaging them. If you are still a beginner in aquarium keeping and you don’t know which specimen to choose, here you have our selection of the best offers.


Plant maintenance

In order to ensure that the regrowth takes place in good conditions, you must regularly take care of your plants. A few checks are therefore necessary.

Sometimes the leaves change color. If they are still new in the planter, you don’t have to worry. This situation is quite normal. Otherwise, a lack of nutrients justifies this appearance. The white or yellow shade explains the iron deficiency. It is necessary to use a fertilizer rich in this component.

Also prioritize the renewal of the water in the tank. Otherwise, it will increase the rate of pollution. Choose a liquid with low calcium content. This is generally suitable for most aquatic elements. Don’t forget to prune fast growing plants. Also, remove dead or blackened leaves from time to time.

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