Feeding Eggs To Fish


Today you can spoil the fish with a nice boiled egg. Why prepare an egg? Because varied feeding is good and the fish also like something different sometimes.


Making egg pellets from chicken egg

Take a raw chicken egg and mix a little egg white and egg yolk well. Put on a pan of boiling water and then drop the egg mixture drop by drop into the boiling water. Egg beads will form and you should let them cool well. Do not put salt on them! Then you can feed the egg pellets to your fish, but obviously not too much. You can let the rest of the egg pellets cool and keep them in the refrigerator for a few days. Make sure the pellets are at room temperature before giving it to the fish.


Hard-boiled egg preparation

If you find this too much work, you can also just hard-boil an egg. Put a chicken egg in a small pan filled with water. Make sure the eggs are completely submerged. When the water begins to boil, set the egg timer to 8-10 minutes. After boiling, take the eggs out of the boiling water and shock them under the cold tap. Scaring immediately stops the cooking process and prevents a black rim around the egg yolk. The yellow egg yolk you use, the egg white you can eat for yourself. The color of the yolk is determined by what the chicken farmer used as chicken feed. Divide the egg yolk into small pieces and let it dry out for several hours. You can then feed the hardened egg yolk to your fish in moderation. You can keep the rest of the egg yolk in the refrigerator for a few days. When you are going to give the rest you should first let it come to room temperature by keeping it out of the refrigerator prematurely.


The egg yolk

Especially larger cichlids like this food. Egg yolk is also used to provide very young fish with their first food. After all, young fish, just hatched, also have an egg yolk from which they can live in their first days. But remember that egg yolk is very fatty and can pollute the water, so don’t give too much of it. Some fish don’t like it at all, others feast on it. It is a matter of trial and error.


Feeding fish unilaterally

With one-sided feeding, a fish can get so attached to the food that it won’t eat anything else. To keep your fish healthy you will have to alternate with different types of food. There are very many types of food possible for your fish, so it is easy to add enough variety to the menu. This is also important to keep your freshwater fish healthy. Variety of feeding is important because:


Each species need different nutrients

To better develop the colors and characteristics of the fish.

Be able to build up good resistance to diseases.

To optimally mature.

Fish live in different water zones.

All fish get enough inside.


Feeding fish too much

Often fish are fed too much. Our aquarium fish can be fed several times a day. They should not have more than they eat within 5 minutes. It is even better to not feed one day, than to feed too often. What the fish don’t eat stays in the aquarium, where it can rot. This is bad for water composition and can affect water values. If fed too much, they will have more fecal matter. The fecal matter and leftover food are pathogens and also cause toxins. It is best if they have a little appetite left, they will remain attractively active.


Fish like vegetables

Also in the kitchen, just like the chicken egg, you will find different types of food for your fish. Herbivorous fish love vegetables, blanch (hold briefly in hot/boiling water) some spinach, broccoli, peas or watercress. Always slice the vegetables briefly so the aquarium fish can reach them more easily. Most dry food also contains vegetables; this is indicated on the package. If you are not sure if your fish like vegetables, you can try them. It can happen that when giving a piece of vegetable they have to get used to the new food first.

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