How To Make a Biological Filter For Aquarium


Your tank requires a minimum of maintenance to keep your species thriving. If you’re more of a naturalist, it’s entirely possible to adopt this type of filtering system for your aquarium. Here we reveal some practical tips if you choose this type of equipment.


Why is this method more advantageous?

When you decide to keep a few goldfish at home, it can be difficult to choose a tank. However, this is an important step. Always remember that a natural element, with the minimum of technology possible (lighting, pump and others), remains the ideal alternative.

Indeed, this technique will allow you to reconstitute the natural environment of your animals in the best possible way. Not to mention that it is much more ecological and easy to maintain. In terms of costs, its maintenance does not require a large investment. You can also establish a natural filtering system in your aquarium.


What exactly should you put in your tank so as not to overload it?

One of the main keys to success is not to put too many items in your tank. It is recommended that you put only the essentials in your tank so that your fish feel comfortable. With this in mind, you can make a “low-tech” or simple aquarium.

In other words, you only need a small pump, a lighting element and a heating accessory inside. To all this you add the substrate of your choice, water of course and floating plants. The goal is to let nature take care of itself. Moreover, the bacteria already present will take care of maintaining an ecosystem adapted for your specimens.


What equipment do you need?

To carry out your project, you will certainly need some elements. Specifically, you will need a digital and programmable socket for the lighting. This will allow you to automate the switching off and of course the switching on. A landing net and a bucket will also be useful.

In addition to that, you should have a siphon that will be used for water change. If possible, you should have something to clean the windows. Dirt can stick to them as you go along. In addition to all this, you should also have a substrate mix for the floor of your pond. Don’t forget to add pebbles and branches for a pleasant decor and to create a balanced ecosystem. Your animals need a viable and suitable environment for their survival and development.


Choosing the substrate

Remember that the substrate plays an important role in your aquarium. You can choose between a simple mixture of gravel and sand. It is also possible to add a few handfuls of clay. The soil will hold the excrement of your fish as well as plant debris.

This way, you will have a lush environment free of impurities since it will act as a natural filter. Professionals in the field do not hesitate to add a little bit of heather soil in order to have an enriched substrate. Coupled with a good stirring system, this is effective in “purifying” the water. Note that this last method is ideal for large ponds.


What exactly is aquaponics?

This new technique has been in the news recently for its practicality and simplicity. It consists in creating a certain circulation of water between a tank with plants and a reservoir. This one will welcome the fish. The aim is to find a good balance so that the two animal and plant species grow in harmony. This translates into a “closed” circuit that tends to reduce waste inside.

The dejecta containing ammonia are transformed by the bacteria located near the plants. These bacteria produce nitrate which is necessary for their survival. This produces a reaction that has the effect of purifying the water before it is poured back into the tank. It can therefore be considered as a natural filtering system.


The use of coconut as a natural purifier and filter

As surprising as it may seem, this technique is perfectly suitable for small ponds (about 20 l). All you have to do is put a coconut on the surface. You should fill it with clay, acting as a filter pot. These two elements are capable of capturing the bacteria in the whole aquarium.

These bacteria will then grow as a “biofilm” that will fertilize the nitrate containing waste. The plants inside the tank will feed on them. This process has the advantage of being both ecological and inexpensive. You will therefore have everything to gain if you have a small fish farm at home.

Maintenance of your natural aquarium

Taking care of your pond is essential if you want to keep your specimens healthy. Therefore, it is recommended that you feed your animals at least once a day. Every week, check the water’s circulation rate. If you notice that it is dirty, wash the inside of the aquarium systematically. And monthly, you are advised to clean the outer walls of your equipment.

You can change half the volume every six months. Be careful not to exceed this amount to let the bacteria grow. You will not need to siphon off your natural pond. In fact, some of the waste will serve as food for your plants.


You can also buy a high performance aquarium filter

In some cases, it is better to opt for a filtration element in its own right. Indeed, there are devices that can purify the water in your aquarium so that your specimens have a viable environment. This kind of equipment seems to be mainly suitable for rather large tanks (200 l).

Moreover, if you are interested in buying such equipment, here you have our selection of the best offers. In addition, you will have more information about any item that you think is ideal for your tank. 


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