How To Turn An Aquarium Into a Reptile Terrarium In 8 Easy Steps


It is possible to design a terrarium from an aquarium tank. With a bit of mischief and DIY, you will create a new indoor ornament worthy of the name. As for the expenses, the costs will be amortized by recycling the container. To implement your project, gather tools, materials and components. Then assemble, choose the right location and maintain it.


Have all the basic tools and accessories on hand

To turn an aquarium into a terrarium, gather all the tools in advance. In this case, you’ll need a putty gun, a square, a tape measure, two spades, mounting screws, a box cutter, 400 grit sandpaper and gloves.

The edges are sharp, so it’s best to protect yourself to avoid nicks. Apart from the tools, the accessories are as follows: a glass container, so the old tray. And also, a fine stainless steel grid of 160 u, this should cover the upper side of the tank. And finally, you need wooden slats. For the technique, just refer to the instructions below. Basically, it’s all about DIY. So it’s up to you.


Choose your components

For the components, you will need clay balls and potting soil. These elements are available in specialized stores and from your usual retailers. They will act as a support or soil for indoor flowers.

When it comes to plants, most plants grow in the glass container. But as a tip, we recommend tropical species such as nephrolepis, phitonia and ficus retusa. They look like mini shrubs and are very appreciated for their appearance.

If you wish, you can use algae. This is the vesicularia dubyana or vesicularia montagnei. They embellish the final result. They form the famous green carpet of the terrarium. However, they remain optional.


Clean the tank

To make your terrarium, you will need a glass aquarium. It doesn’t matter how big it is, the main thing is that it can hold enough plants for decoration. Once it is completely emptied, you will clean it from top to bottom.

For this action, prefer natural soap and water rather than dish cleaners. Then, dry the whole thing with a clean cloth. Then, poke a hole in the bottom of the tub to let the fluids drain out. If you forget this detail, the terrarium will be rotten inside, hence the foul odors. After that, yours will be ready to receive the plants.


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Aerate the terrarium

Now, remove the top part to get the ventilation. Next, cut two wooden slats the same length as the aquarium and 4 cm wide. Then glue them with resin on the upper sides of the glass.

Next, place a 160u grid over this area. To stabilize it, you will need two small pegs and screws to fix it. As a result, you will get a movable roof that opens and closes at will. Afterwards, you can wipe the inside of the roof with a cloth. This will remove any wood residue and dust that may have settled during installation. For large tanks, ventilation holes are required on the back or on the facet.


Install your soil

To fill, pour the clay balls in first. Then spread them on the bottom of the container so that they form a layer of 2 to 3 cm. Then add the potting soil to a greater thickness of 3 to 4 cm.

Then add another 3 cm of clay before finishing with 4 cm of potting soil. The goal is to have a mixture of 10 to 12 cm in height. Once all this is well arranged, you will have an overlay of layers that is pleasing to the eye, but essential to the survival of the plants. This formation ensures the drainage of water from the surface layer to the bottom of the aquarium. At the same time, it regulates the humidity inside.


Add the plants

When the surface is ready, you can now plant. At this point, everything looks like child’s play. So, take your plants and insert them one by one into the potting soil, and do so with great care.

They are so fragile that with every wrong move, they risk being softened. To simplify the action, remember to dig with a point and not with your fingers. And to better organize yourself, dig all the holes in advance before placing your plants.

For the layout, it’s up to you to see where to place such or such specimens. At this stage, add a few clay balls to decorate the whole. Among other things, pieces of rough stone, bark and earthen pots also make beautiful ornaments. And finally, water the whole with the water gun.


Think about the location

Know that for an optimal growth, the exposure to the sun as well as the internal heat are to be balanced for the plants. So it’s up to you to find a suitable space, that said, bright not too hot nor too cold and with a correct air flow.

An external location is not desired as well as a positioning near the ceiling. In the first case, the daylight is intensified by the glass walls. And in the second case, the plants risk suffocating slightly due to lack of ventilation. As a solution, place your container on a table in the middle of a room. There, it will make a beautiful indoor ornament while refreshing the surrounding air.


Maintain your terrarium regularly

To keep your terrarium looking its best, remember to clean the glass as often as possible. To do this, wipe the inside and outside of the container with a cloth. This will keep your glass shiny for better visibility. And for live species, keep a close eye on their health. The trick is to remove dead leaves and sprigs. To do this, you’ll cut off those that are stuck to the plants.

And for the rest, the collection of dried bodies is mandatory. To keep your houseplants green, do not forget to water them regularly. If you don’t want to make your own, to give you an idea of the terrariums on sale, find here our selection of the best products.


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