Why Does My Aquarium Smell Bad?


A smelly aquarium? No way. A healthy aquarium is odor-free, at most you can change the filter

The main function of the aquarium filter is to convert hazardous substances into harmless substances. In doing so, the aquarium filter keeps the water livable for the aquarium inhabitants. So a good filter will.
smell a little when you stick your nose in it. As soon as your aquarium starts to smell, something is wrong. This immediately calls for action. A smelly aquarium can have several causes. Usually it has to do with biodegradable waste in your aquarium, such as rotting plant debris, a dead fish or other waste on the bottom

Cause of a smelly aquarium

A dead fish is one of the most common causes of a smelly aquarium. Sometimes you may not realize right away that a fish has died, causing a nasty odor to develop. Once the fish is removed from the aquarium, the smell will quickly disappear.

Overfeeding can also cause a smelly aquarium. The food that is not eaten will sink to the bottom, where it will rot. Bacteria feast on the remains, producing gases that cause a foul odor. Don’t feed more than your fish can eat to avoid this problem.


Overcrowding is another cause of a smelly aquarium. As long as your aquarium is balanced, the filter and bacteria present will be able to handle the waste produced by the fish. If you put too many fish in your tank, there will come a time when this is no longer possible and your aquarium will pollute, with the accompanying odors.

These three causes are the most common, but the water in your aquarium can also become foul-smelling due to excessive amounts of dead plant debris that affect water quality.

Water quality greatly affects the success of your aquarium. If the water quality is not good, your fish will not stay healthy and aquarium plants will not grow properly. It is therefore important to keep the affect. A rotting or dense bottom can also cause a nasty odor.


Preventing smelly aquariums

Of course, prevention is always better than cure. A healthy and well-maintained aquarium will never stink. Therefore, keep performing regular maintenance and keep a close eye on your fish. You can remove dead fish immediately, before they start to smell.

Have you ever suffered from a smelly aquarium? If so, what caused it? Leave your comment below.


Other realted questions

How do I stop my aquarium from smelling?

  • Wipe down the glass.
  • Clean your substrate.
  • Prune any dead leaves off plants.
  • Clean any rocks or decorations.
  • Clean your filter inflow and outlet.
  • Perform a partial water change.
  • Rinse your filter to remove trapped gunk.

What should your aquarium smell like?

A healthy fish tank does have a slight aroma. The smell isn’t fishy or foul; most hobbyists actually describe it as rather pleasant. Freshwater tanks have a slight, earthy odor, rather like freshly plowed earth or recently turned soil in your garden.

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